Saturday, October 21, 2023

Comet three times bigger than Mount Everest, heading to Earth

A comet with a unique "horned" appearance has recently experienced an explosive event and is now on a trajectory toward Earth, according to reports from scientists. This extraordinary comet, named 12P/Pons-Brooks, is known for its cold volcanic activity and was initially discovered by the French astronomer Jean-Louis Pons in 1812. What sets this comet apart is its rare attribute of having active ice volcanoes.

In terms of its size, this comet is truly remarkable, boasting a diameter of approximately 18.6 miles, which is akin to the dimensions of a small city. To put this into perspective, consider that Mount Everest, Earth's highest peak, stands at about 5.5 miles tall. The comet's unique horn-like shape is the result of an explosion triggered by solar radiation affecting its interior. This elevated pressure forced icy material to vent through openings in its outer shell, forming the distinctive horns.

Richard Miles, a member of the British Astronomical Association (BAA), noted that the two "horns" may be attributed to the comet's cryovolcanic vent having a distinct shape or potential obstructions, causing material to be expelled in an unconventional manner. Some experts have even drawn comparisons between the comet's irregular coma shape and iconic science fiction spaceships, particularly the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars.

The BAA has been diligently monitoring the comet, and their efforts paid off on October 5 when they observed a second explosion. This event caused Comet 12P to shine much brighter than its usual luminosity due to the added reflection of light from its expanded coma.

Images capturing this explosion were taken by Jose Manuel Perez Redondo using a 2.0-meter Faulkes Telescope North located on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Although the comet is currently on a course toward Earth, it will be some time before it comes close to our planet.

Live Science reports that the comet is expected to reach its closest point to Earth on April 21, 2024. Subsequent to this encounter, it will be propelled back into the solar system and is not projected to return until the year 2095. This rare celestial event has captivated the attention of astronomers and space enthusiasts, offering a fascinating glimpse into the wonders of our universe. As scientists continue to study and monitor this extraordinary comet, it promises to provide valuable insights into the behavior and characteristics of comets with active ice volcanoes.

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